Ex-JWs Brazil
JoinedTopics Started by Ex-JWs Brazil
Has Your JW Background Benefited You In Any Way?
by minimus ini would like to think there was some good that resulted from our being a witness at one time..
Since Democrats Are All About the “Children” why does ABORTION Not Bother Them?
by minimus inif everything is supposed to be about the lives of children, how can they hypocritically fight to take babies and kill them?
what about the children and their quality of life?.
Japan Is Building The Worlds Fastest Computer
by Brokeback Watchtower inai technology in a 1,000,000 times faster than your pc.
this super intelligence will make solfware, analyze data and chrunch the number to find new cures.
The Bizarre Free Will
by John_Mann intwo years before i left jw world i came to a strange conclusion about the jw cosmology and the free will doctrine.. basically i came to conclusion that satan is right about the universal sovereign issue.
and i came with that just only using jws premises, no outside apostasy.
i just told to my sister what she thought about it, and she said to me: dont tell anyone about this!.
Evil, free will and the bible.
by Anti-Christ inmost christian and other deist will us the free will argument to explain the existence of god and evil.
in this topic i would like to examine the flaws in this argument.. what is free will?
it's the capacity of rational agents to choose a course of action from among various alternatives (that's one definition).
Favorite Zep song
by IP_SEC inthis might be a bad time to post this because all the zep fans are prolly in bed .
edit: sorry what prompted this post is several zep songs have been mentioned on several threads tonight .
New Watchtower Jan,15 2008
by Batty inhttp://farm3.static.flickr.com/2192/1543592646_fecb073ad7.jpg
Newspaper articles on JWs devastated by the 1975 disappointment
by Doug Mason inyesterday, i provided a 20-page document prepared by jehovahs witnesses who were devastated by the 1975 disappointment.
these jws produced other documents like that one and i will attempt to locate them.. today, i am opening the human side of these witnesses.
the following are links to scans of newspaper articles from the time, focusing on these people.. toe the line april 7 1977 page 1.jpg.
Brazilian apostasy need some help
by Ex-JWs Brazil inhello "brothers"!
we have a discussion forum in portuguese similar to this.